Starting a mediation practice can be a fulfilling career choice, but it also requires diligent management of your business expenses. Whether you are transitioning from full-time employment or starting your own business for the first time, it can be challenging to navigate and stay on top of your finances. In this blog post, we will discuss some tips for starting a successful mediation practice and effectively managing your expenses. 

Plan Ahead

Before you start your practice, be sure to create a budget that outlines all of your expected expenses for the year and any other necessary investments. This includes things like office supplies, software subscriptions, advertising costs, etc. Make sure to factor in any unforeseen risks or potential losses so that you have an idea of how much money you will need to stay afloat. Additionally, it is wise to create a savings plan that will help you build a financial cushion for any unexpected costs or slow periods.

Set Up Business Accounts

Opening up separate business accounts for your practice is an essential step in managing your finances. This will ensure that all of your income and expenses are accounted for and easy to track. Having multiple accounts can also help you manage your taxes more efficiently. You can open up a business checking account, a savings account, or both, depending on the needs of your business.

Track Expenses

The key to effectively managing your business expenses is tracking them consistently and accurately. This means keeping track of all of your receipts, invoices, and bank transactions. Make sure to categorize all of your expenses so that you can easily see where most of your money is going. Additionally, you should set up a system for tracking income as well. This will help ensure that you are accurately accounting for all funds coming into and leaving your business.

Stay Organized

Organization is key when it comes to managing your finances both personally and professionally. Set up a filing system for all of your receipts, invoices, and bank statements so that you can easily access them when needed. Additionally, keeping digital records on various cloud storage systems is a great way to stay organized and ensure that your information is always secure.

Establish a budget and stick to it

Before you begin your mediation practice, it’s crucial to create a budget and set financial goals. Consider what expenses you will need to cover, such as rent, office supplies, and marketing expenses. Once you have a budget in place, be sure to adhere to it. Keep track of your expenses, and regularly update your budget to reflect any changes.

Secure a line of credit

Starting a business can be expensive and it is important to make sure you have ample financial resources to cover your expenses. Consider applying for a line of credit with an institution, such as your bank or credit union. A line of credit will provide you with the flexibility to cover unexpected costs as they arise.

Invest in technology

The mediation profession has become increasingly reliant on technology, especially due to the global pandemic. Investing in technology such as video conferencing software, billing software, and project management tools can help streamline your business operations and increase your efficiency. Technology can also help you keep accurate records for bookkeeping and accounting.

Outsource where possible

As you grow your mediation practice, outsourcing certain tasks can be a valuable investment of your time and money. Consider outsourcing tasks such as bookkeeping, social media management, and website design to professionals, freeing up your time for revenue-generating tasks such as meeting potential clients and preparing for mediation sessions.

Build a strong online presence

In today’s world, it’s more important than ever to have a strong online presence for your business. This includes creating a professional website, regularly updating your social media accounts, and providing valuable content such as blog posts or webinars. Building a strong online presence can help you attract potential clients and position yourself as a thought leader in your field.

Join professional organizations

Joining professional organizations related to mediation can be a great way to expand your network, access valuable resources, and stay up-to-date with the latest trends and best practices. Organizations such as the Association for Conflict Resolution or the American Bar Association’s Section on Dispute Resolution can be excellent resources for mediation professionals.


Starting a mediation practice can be an exciting and rewarding business venture, but it requires careful planning and financial management. By establishing a budget, investing in technology, outsourcing non-core tasks, building a strong online presence, and networking with professional organizations, you can successfully manage your business expenses while growing your business. With these tips in mind, you'll be well on your way to launching a successful mediation practice.